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CS Labels Case Study

CS Labels came to us with a simple request; "We'd like to improve traffic to the site on label-related keywords." As we'd worked together previously, it was not difficult for our team to optimise their site for their chosen keywords.

Having worked together back in 2011, when their site was originally built, the infrastructure was in place for our experienced team to work with. After some preliminary analysis, the Promote team decided to target keywords which were not only relevant, but also drove high volumes of traffic.

Our Optimisation Strategy

A combination of quality link-building, alongside the re-evaluation of on-page factors have led to significant improvements. All it took for CS Labels to receive the organic traffic that they desired was a simple re-optimisation by our incredible team.

The Result

After our re-optimisation and link-building efforts, CS Labels have enjoyed as much as a 40% increase in organic traffic.

Want to increase your traffic and improve your rankings? Call us today on 0118 380 1002 to get started!

“Our account manager and the whole team at Promote.Agency have looked after us very well right from the start. Communication has been strong, prompt and, above all, frequent and consistent, keeping us in the loop at all times. We came to Promote with a Google penalty that a previous agency had not been able to get removed during a period of over 12 months. Promote worked steadily and methodically to get a huge number of toxic links removed and sent in a number of reconsideration requests to Google. After 5 months of perseverance, commitment and dedication, the Promote team achieved the ultimate result - our Google penalty has been lifted! We can't thank them enough and look forward to a great future working with them on our ongoing SEO and other projects.”

- Suzanne Faulkner, Director, Handles 4 Doors Ltd -
