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AdWords is essential to many businesses for a variety of reasons – developed and provided by Google, it is a service which enables advertisers the opportunity to offer limited advertising copy to relevant web users. It defines a user's relevancy through their inclusion of keywords in their searches, similar to the way that search engine optimisation (SEO) works.

The main issue that most businesses utilising this method of online advertising face is that they are often forced to deal with high levels of competition from other businesses that are targeting the same, or similar, keywords.

It has been a fantastic tool for businesses and can lead to a high return on investment for your digital marketing efforts; however, it can take a great deal of time and expertise to effectively manage, maintain and update with new products/services or to equate to evolving trends.

Whilst you'll still require the expertise, there is a way to cut out a great deal of the management time in order to let your digital marketing team concentrate their efforts on another aspect of your advertising strategy – whether that be SEO or conversion rate optimisation (CRO).

What Are AdWords Scripts?

Essentially, AdWords scripts are powerful lines of code that can communicate with your various AdWords accounts and campaigns to adapt almost any element within your account itself. This can include anything from the creation of new advertisements to the editing of existing campaigns. You can even, if you desire, command these lines of code to automate your AdWords reports and bid adjustments on your behalf! For many experts, this analysis begins with the download of a huge .CSV file into a program like Excel, and running a variety of calculations and creating multiple graphs in order to ensure that the data is readable and can be effectively communicated to other stakeholders.

These scripts can, effectively, make changes to your account based on multiple parameters and can even use external data, which you allow the scripts access to, to customise your AdWords as it sees fit.

The possibilities for these scripts are huge and wide-ranging, and can be a huge time-saver if written and implemented correctly. AdWords scripting can make it much simpler to review and manage your entire AdWords efforts.

Using AdWords Scripting: What Can These Scripts Do For Me?

There are a range of uses that these codes can have, and they can drastically change the way your pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are managed. With AdWords scripting, you can:

Bid By Rules – Advertisers and business owners can use these scripts to adjust their bids for certain keywords according to certain parameters.

For example, you could use a script to increase bids by 15% for all keywords that have at least 15 conversions and a click-through-rate (CTR) that is higher than 3%. Of course, you can add limitations and qualifiers to these bids, by adding in code that tells the script not to raise these bids more than, say, £1.50 in an ad group within a certain campaign.

This kind of evolution of your marketing efforts would take hours to manually accomplish, if your marketer could even manage to stand the monotonous tedium of the whole effort. With AdWords scripting, as long as you know what you are doing, you can carry out all needed changes in a matter of minutes.

Bid By Weather – Although it might still seem like something of a fantasy, to alter your AdWords bidding as a result of such an external, and seemingly unconnected, force as the weather, it is now entirely possible. Through the OpenWeatherMap API, your scripts can import weather information and use it as a parameter in your bidding riles.

If you provide services or products which are particularly popular in certain weather conditions, from swimwear or patterned umbrellas, or you're a taxi company looking to maximise on the poor weather, your script will be able to automatically achieve this.

Input Dynamic Values – Great ad copy remains the most important factor of PPC marketing. Displaying an advert that really replies to the user's search query will make you appear more relevant and is likely to increase click-through rate (CTR).

Dynamic keyword insertion can allow your ad to become incredibly specific, and make it effectively answer the potential customer's search requests. If you offer a product or a service, of which the prices change on a daily basis, with dynamic keyword insertion you can utilise a spreadsheet which supplies information to your scripts – this can include anything from price, quantity, model and availability of your products.

AdWords Script API – From Promote

There are some limitations to the scripts, however, and there are occasions when the human touch might be necessary, but by ensuring that your AdWords campaigns are managed by a professional team, who can quickly and effectively create reliable APIs to help control your AdWords account, you will be able to sit back and confidently enjoy the benefits.

As one of the UK's leading digital marketing agencies, here at Promote we can offer a diverse range of services to help you make the most out of your online presence.

If you have any questions, or you're interested in hearing more about Google AdWords and what Promote can do to help your business' online presence, get in touch today on 0118 380 1002 – alternatively, you can always email us at and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

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